Office design in the post-covid era supports a dynamic environment that seems to be inspired by extroversion and the given need for socialization. Offices gradually merge with the residential environment, forming a friendly atmosphere in an open plan flexible format. In this way, mobility, interaction, comfort and staff well-being are enhanced.
The design of the new Bayer Hellas offices seems to be inspired by this condition and both the architectural and decorative lighting have been collaborated in this direction.
The architectural lighting is fully integrated into the building shell as it follows its general engravings, while its linearity at key points enhances the dynamics of the space. At the same time, it has the technical characteristics required for office spaces that contribute to the visual comfort of the users and the achievement of a perfect lighting effect. Overall, lighting has been designed to adapt each time to the needs of the space and the individual needs of the users.
The decorative luminaires complement and highlight the general lighting. Their installation aims to enhance the relaxed and intimate ambiance, while their selection identifies with the palette of colors, materials and textures of the space.
Undoubtedly, the new Bayer Hellas offices constitute a benchmark for modern offices and the trigger for radical changes in other workplaces as well.