architecture and lighting in harmony
The project is about the renovation of an Athenian house in Chalandri, which reflects the identity of the family living in it. The house needs to have a narrative role and each of its spaces to be a living element of its history, a reference to events and situations that the family has lived. All the above are reflected in the design of the new wooden four-pitched roof, which gives warmth and intimacy to the space. In contrast to the vertical elements of the walls that exude a calm and a minimal mood, the roof gives the necessary intensity for the space to gain interest.
The way the roof is treated contributes to the unification of the house’s interior, something that the lighting needs to achieve. As an integral part of the architectural composition, the lighting study comes to enhance it, giving an effortless flow to the movement.
lighting lines that highlight the shapes

There were two main requirements for the renovation of this house. First of all, highlighting the feelings of the family that lives within it and telling a story with reference to real events. Secondly, the creation of a single flow in space, without limits.
The lighting, as well as the architectural composition, had to meet the requirements of the project through a study corresponding to that one of the new roof.
The lighting study moves in two axes, a central lighting and a supplementary one. The main lighting consists of a single linear luminaire that runs through the entire house, unifying the spaces. Its hanging from the roof, gives the feeling of swing, which is intensified by the spot lighting of the roof. Complementary lighting (hidden lighting and wall sconces), enhances the central one, highlighting the building blocks, while at the same time giving a romantic mood. The lighting study is completed with the outdoor space, which welcomes the visitor and invites him to get familiar with the space.
Tubs Modular is a versatile luminaire that gives the maximum possibilities with the minimum cross sections. With its discreet presence, it brings the space to the forefront of interest, but without losing its attractiveness. It is a technically advanced luminaire but also extremely flexible, which adapts to any environment. Depending on the way it is placed, the modular tubs can either follow the lines of a space, emphasizing the movement or create contrasts, keeping the interest undiminished.